Protocol and registration
No. 5
Task: Indicate if a protocol exists and where it can be accessed. If available, provide registration information including registration number and registry name. Provide publication details, if applicable.
Text: The methods used in the systematic reviews produced by the EBCTCG have developed over the last 30 years, and a formal protocol has not been produced that would cover this wide range of reviews. The methods used have been summarized in the various reports of the reviews and the most complete description of the methods was included in: Early Breast Cancer Trialists' Collaborative Group Treatment of Early Breast Cancer. Volume 1. Worldwide Evidence 1985-1990. Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1990. Available from
The EBCTCG overview began before there were any opportunities to register research such as this, but the intention of conducting the initial reviews was announced before the collection of individual participant data: Anon. Review of mortality results in randomized trials in early breast cancer. Lancet 1984; ii: 1205.