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Mairead and Hilary discuss BMJ breast cancer study 2023

As patient advocates, we partner with the research team. 

We work within patient organisations in which we have access to the views of other patient representatives.

We are involved in all stages of the team’s studies: development of research questions, planning of the research, monitoring of progress, evaluation of findings and dissemination of results. We provide input in teleconferences, emails and face-to-face meetings. 

Our input helps to ensure that the questions addressed and findings are relevant to patients being treated for cancer today. See for example: MacKenzie M, Stobart H, Dodwell D, Taylor CW. Risk of breast cancer death after a diagnosis of early invasive breast cancer. Two patient advocates reflect on how they helped to shape a research study into breast cancer BMJ 2023; 381: p1355

Mairead MacKenzie, Independent Cancer Patients’ VoiceMairead MacKenzie, Independent Cancer Patients’ Voice   Hilary Stobart, Independent Cancer Patients’ VoiceHilary Stobart, Independent Cancer Patients’ Voice

Frank BurroughsFrank Burroughs   Isabelle GentIsabelle Gent

Adam HollowayAdam Holloway   Alison MeesonAlison Meeson


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