Introduction and methods sections reproduced from: Early Breast Cancer Trialists' Collaborative Group, "Treatment of Early Breast Cancer. Volume 1. Worldwide Evidence 1985-1990"
Oxford University Press 1990
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3.1 |
Systematic public availability of randomized trial results |
3.2 |
Informative overviews even of somewhat different trials, despite heterogeneity of design and of size of treatment effect |
3.3 |
Importance of reliably assessing MODERATE treatment effects |
3.4 |
Two main reasons for using overviews of properly randomized trials to assess MODERATE treatment effects: avoiding selection biases and reducing random errors |
3.5 |
Review of many trials, with no data-dependent omissions, to limit selection bias in assessment of treatment effects |
3.6 |
Other selection biases either in design or in analysis of trials |
3.7 |
Proper randomization (with no subsequent exclusions) to limit selection bias in design of trials of moderate treatment effects |
3.8 |
Selection biases from subgroup analyses: statistical difficulty in the assessment of qualitative "interactions" and of quantitative "interactions" |
3.9 |
Specific categories of patient or of treatment: data-dependent emphasis on subgroup analyses versus indirect extrapolation of overall analyses |
3.10 |
Use of recurrence data, as well as mortality data, to study interactions unbiasedly |
3.11 |
Use of overviews to assess effects of treatment on other specific causes of early death, or other rare endpoints |
3.12 |
Use of overviews to improve the reliability of data from particular trials |
4.1 |
Summary of the inclusion criteria for trials in the present overviews |
4.2 |
Principles of identification of trials: selection bias may be limited even without absolute completeness |
4.3 |
Practice of identification of trials: multiple sources of information |
4.4 |
Methods of seeking data from individual trials |
4.5 |
Methods of checking data from individual trials |
4.6 |
Methods of publishing data from individual trials |
5.1 |
Medical assumptions: (1) modest sizes of treatment effects, and (2) differences of size but not of direction between effects in different circumstances |
5.2 |
Comparisons only of like with like, based on "Observed minus Expected" (O-E) differences in each separate trial |
5.3 |
Routine stratification of all main analyses by age (<50, 50+) and by year (1, 2, 3, 4, 5+) of follow-up |
5.4 |
Additional stratification of selected analyses for the available information on nodal status or Estrogen Receptor status |
5.5 |
Arithmetic procedures for calculation of Observed minus Expected (O-E) numbers of events among treatment-allocated patients, and for obtaining "two-sided" significance levels ( 2 P ) |
5.6 |
Interpretation of P-values: statistical significance and medical judgement |
5.7 |
RESULTS OF RADIOTHERAPY TRIALS as an example of the summation of (O-E) values from different trials to provide an overall test of the "null hypothesis" of no treatment effect |
5.8 |
Use of (O-E) values to provide a description of the typical reduction in the odds of treatment failure (i.e. to describe the "alternative hypothesis") |
5.9 |
Graphical display methods for separate trial results, and for an overview |
5.10 |
Similarities between risk ratios, death rate ratios and odds ratios when event rates are low |
5.11 |
Logrank "year of death" analyses for statistical significance tests, and for estimation of reductions in annual odds of death |
5.12 |
Life-table estimation for descriptive purposes |
5.13 |
Test of heterogeneity between several different trial results |
5.14 |
Arithmetic details of tests for trend, for heterogeneity and for interaction |
5.15 |
Practical meaning of a clear effect of treatment in a single large trial |
5.16 |
Practical meaning of a clear effect of treatment in an overview of many trials |
5.17 |
Fixed-effect "assumption-free" methods, and random-effect "assumed representativeness" methods |
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