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Any MCPS study dataset, including summary datasets, baseline survey data, re-survey data, follow-up information, blood assay results, genetic and metabolomic data.

Data Sharing Agreement 

Agreement covering the terms of data access to a requestor of open access data.

Collaboration Agreement


Agreement covering the terms of data access to a requestor working with a member of the MCPS study team in either Mexico or the UK.

Access Agreement

A collective term referring to either a data sharing agreement or a collaborative agreement.

Open Access Data

Data being made available to external bona fide researchers through this Data and Sample Sharing policy.

Restricted Data

Data stored in the MCPS data repository which has limitations placed on its use or wider distribution.


An individual or group of researchers seeking access to data and/or samples from the MCPS.

Data User

An individual or group of researchers that has been granted access to data and/or samples from the MCPS.