Research groups
Leon Peto
DPhil, MRCP, FRCPath
Senior Clinical Research Fellow
Leon Peto is a Senior Clinical Research Fellow at Oxford Population Health, and an honorary consultant in Infectious Diseases and Microbiology at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust.
He joined the department in late 2020 to work on the RECOVERY trial, which is testing treatments for patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19.
Recent publications
Higher dose corticosteroids in hospitalised COVID-19 patients requiring ventilatory support (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial
Horby PW. et al, (2024)
The impact of different antimicrobial exposures on the gut microbiome in the ARMORD observational study
Peto L. et al, (2024)
The impact of different antimicrobial exposures on the gut microbiome in the ARMORD observational study
Peto L. et al, (2024)
Clinical trial results in context: comparison of baseline characteristics and outcomes of 38,510 RECOVERY trial participants versus a reference population of 346,271 people hospitalised with COVID-19 in England.
Pessoa-Amorim G. et al, (2024), Trials, 25
High-dose corticosteroid therapy in COVID-19: the RECOVERY trial - Authors' reply.
Peto L. et al, (2024), Lancet, 403, 1339 - 1340