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Hannah Taylor



Hannah works as an epidemiologist in the UK Biobank team and helps to review applications for access to the dataset, alongside continuing her research into risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

She began working as a statistical epidemiologist at Oxford Population Health In 2020 investigating associations between adiposity and cardiovascular risk, in both UK-based and international cohorts.

She then worked as a medical statistician in the Early Breast Cancer Trialists' Collaborative Group (EBCTCG), in which she helped to analyse data from randomised clinical trials of breast cancer treatment. 

Hannah is involved with the Early Career Research networks within the department and the British and Irish Hypertension Society (BIHS), and in 2019 she won the Young Investigator Oral Prize at the BIHS Annual Scientific Meeting.

She is especially interested in the relationship between lifestyle behaviours, body composition and blood-based biomarkers and the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, and the respective roles which age, gender and ethnicity play in modifying these associations.

Hannah obtained her BSc in Physiology at the University of Liverpool in 2010, and later completed an MSc in Biomechanics at the University of Manchester in 2012. 

After a spell as a secondary science teacher, she undertook a PhD in cardiovascular epidemiology at UCL in 2016, examining associations between adiposity and cardiac structural and functional outcomes in adolescents.

While writing up her thesis, she worked as a post-doc at UCL and looked at health outcomes in schoolteachers, and the associations between adiposity and psychosocial wellbeing in adolescents.