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Persistence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies over 18 months following infection: UK Biobank COVID-19 Serology Study.

Journal article

Bešević J. et al, (2023), J Epidemiol Community Health

Social determinants of ethnic disparities in SARS-CoV-2 infection: UK Biobank SARS-CoV-2 Serology Study.

Journal article

Omiyale W. et al, (2023), J Epidemiol Community Health

UK biobank: Enhanced assessment of the epidemiology and long-term impact of coronavirus disease-2019

Journal article

LACEY BEN. et al, (2023), Cambridge Prisms: Precision Medicine

UK Biobank: Enhanced assessment of the epidemiology and long-term impact of coronavirus disease-2019

Journal article

Besevic J. et al, (2023), Cambridge Prisms: Precision Medicine

Multi-morbidity and its association with common cancer diagnoses: a UK Biobank prospective study.

Journal article

Conroy MC. et al, (2023), BMC Public Health, 23

UK Biobank: a globally important resource for cancer research.

Journal article

Conroy MC. et al, (2022), Br J Cancer

New Horizons: the value of UK Biobank to research on endocrine and metabolic disorders.

Journal article

Bešević J. et al, (2022), J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 107, 2403 - 2410

Visual impairment and risk of dementia in two population-based prospective cohorts: UK Biobank and EPIC-Norfolk.

Journal article

Littlejohns TJ. et al, (2021), J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci

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