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Cohort Profile: Indian Study of Healthy Ageing (ISHA- Barshi)

Journal article

BRAGG F. et al, (2024), International Journal of Epidemiology

Genetic drivers of heterogeneity in type 2 diabetes pathophysiology.

Journal article

Suzuki K. et al, (2024), Nature, 627, 347 - 357

Social and spatial inequalities in premature mortality across Europe.

Journal article

Bragg F. and Lacey B., (2024), Lancet Public Health, 9, e148 - e149

Educational and social inequalities and cause-specific mortality in Mexico City: a prospective study.

Journal article

Addey T. et al, (2023), Lancet Public Health, 8, e670 - e679

Body composition and risk factors for cardiovascular disease in global multi-ethnic populations

Journal article

Carter JL. et al, (2023), International Journal of Obesity

Tumour occurrence in women with Turner Syndrome; a narrative review and single centre case series

Journal article

Diddhenipothage SADM. et al, (2023), Clinical Endocrinology

Diabetes and infectious disease mortality in Mexico City.

Journal article

Bragg F. et al, (2023), BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care, 11

Adiposity and NMR-measured lipid and metabolic biomarkers among 30,000 Mexican adults.

Journal article

Aguilar-Ramirez D. et al, (2022), Commun Med (Lond), 2

Estimating lifetime risk of diabetes in the Chinese population

Journal article

BRAGG F. and CHEN Z., (2022), PLoS Medicine

Estimating lifetime risk of diabetes in the Chinese population.

Journal article

Bragg F. and Chen Z., (2022), PLoS Med, 19

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