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The components of non-photochemical chlorophyll fluorescence quenching (qN) in barley leaves have been quantified by a combination of relaxation kinetics analysis and 77 K fluorescence measurements (Walters RG and Horton P 1991). Analysis of the behaviour of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and oxygen evolution at low light (when only state transitions - measured as qNt - are present) and at high light (when only photoinhibition - measured as qNi - is increasing) showed that the parameter qNt represents quenching processes located in the antenna and that qNi measures quenching processes located in the reaction centre but which operate significantly only when those centres are closed. The theoretical predictions of a variety of models describing possible mechanisms for high-energy-state quenching, measured as the residual quenching, qNe, were then tested against the experimental data for both fluorescence quenching and quantum yield of oxygen evolution. Only one model was found to agree with these data, one in which antennae exist in two states, efficient in either energy transfer or energy dissipation, and in which those photosynthetic units in a dissipative state are unable to exchange energy with non-dissipative units.

Original publication





Photosynth Res

Publication Date





119 - 139