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A hospital-based case-control study of ovarian cancer was conducted in London and Oxford between October 1978 and February 1983. Menstrual characteristics, reproductive and contraceptive history and history of exposure to various environmental factors were compared between 235 women with histologically diagnosed epithelial ovarian cancer and 451 controls. High gravidity, hysterectomy, female sterilisation and oral contraceptive use were associated with a reduced risk of ovarian cancer. Infertility and late age at menopause were associated with an increase in risk. While these factors were related, they were each found to be independently associated with ovarian cancer risk after adjusting for the effect of the other factors.

Original publication





Br J Cancer

Publication Date





592 - 598


Age Factors, Behavior, Biology, Breast Feeding, Cancer, Comparative Studies, Contraception, Contraceptive Methods, Contraceptive Methods Chosen, Contraceptive Usage, Data Analysis, Delayed Childbearing, Demographic Factors, Developed Countries, Diseases, Endocrine System, England, Estrogens, Europe, Family Planning, Female Sterilization, Fertility, Health, Hormones, Infant Nutrition, Ingredients And Chemicals, Inorganic Chemicals, Maternal Age, Neoplasms, Northern Europe, Nutrition, Oral Contraceptives, Ovarian Cancer, Parental Age, Physiology, Population, Population Characteristics, Population Dynamics, Previous Practice, Reproductive Behavior, Research Methodology, Risk Factors, Sex Behavior, Smoking, Statistical Regression, Sterilization, Sexual, Studies, Time Factors, United Kingdom, Adult, Carcinoma, Contraceptives, Oral, Female, Humans, Infertility, Female, Menopause, Middle Aged, Multicenter Studies as Topic, Ovarian Neoplasms, Parity, Risk Factors