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Once the trial is over you will no longer be provided with the trial treatment. You and your doctor will be informed of the results which will also be published in a medical journal, so that others can benefit from the research. If the trial proves that fenofibrate does reduce diabetic retinopathy, it is likely that this information will be included in major guidelines which doctors use to treat diabetes. That will allow many people with diabetes to be offered fenofibrate.

After the trial ends, we would also like your permission to continue to monitor your health confidentially from a range of medical records using existing electronic systems in the same way that we will be doing during the trial. This is to allow the LENS researchers to study the effect of 3-5 years of fenofibrate treatment for many years to come. Permission will be required from NHS Scotland’s Public Benefits and Privacy Panel for Health and Social Care before any such work is undertaken to ensure that it is done to the highest standards and in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

the lens trial is now closed

Thank you for your interest in this trial. Our aim is to make your participation an interesting and worthwhile experience, while helping us and others to improve the treatment of people who have diabetic retinopathy. If you have any further questions that have not been addressed within this section, please contact us:

  • 24-hour Freephone: 0808 164 5090